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The Death Of The Movie Rental Stores

<—This thing is now completely worthless. iTunes. Netflix. Cable On Demand. Inexpensive DVD’s. Illegal file sharing (which I don’t encourage). There are just so many options out there right now, that the actual rental stores will eventually be obsolete. I haven’t been to a real store in easily over two years. It’s totally pointless.

Those clever bastards at Blockbuster have seen the writing on the wall. They know that their stores are dying slowly and they need a new revenue stream. Today, they announced a Blockbuster On Demand service. Basically, you get this media player box, get your Internet connection in there, and bam, you’re renting from Blockbuster. It’s not streaming video either, it’s progressive playback. I don’t know what that means…but it sure sounds fancy.

  1. November 25, 2008 at 2:23 PM

    I think Blockbuster will continue to use their stores as a way to provide better service than their competition the same way they give a free DVD rental when you return a Total Access DVD.

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