
Posts Tagged ‘Carlton Cuse’

It’s Wednesday Afternoon…Time To Get Your Head Right For “Lost”

"Where? Oh, I picked them up from Banana Republic. Their online sales are a steal!"

"Where? Oh, I picked them up from Banana Republic. Their online sales are a steal!"

Well “Lost” fans…there is only one week left for 2009. Can you believe it? Much like Air Force One and Manhattan, it’s completely flown by. For my money, it’s been one of the best seasons of the show yet. Tonight’s episode is titled “Follow The Leader”, which was also the name of a Korn album. Let’s hope that tonight’s show, which from all sources appears to be about my favorite adult contemporary shopper Richard Alpert, is better than that piece of crap alt-metal-rap album.

Here is the official ABC summary for tonight: “Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of “The Others,” and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the Dharma Initiative.

I cannot stress how worried I am about Sawyer. I’ve been reading about a serious death coming up that will shake the “Lost” fanbase as much as Charlie’s death. This is particularly bad for a massive wuss like myself because I still get weepy when I see Charlie’s death.

So, if you ever read this Carlton Cuse and/or Damon Lindelof (as I’m sure you do)…if you have killed Sawyer off, I will be so pissed that…that…well…I’ll keep watching the show. What a hollow and feeble threat.


There is a strange emptiness that I am feeling this morning. Is it because I need to eat a snack? Is it because I am at work and really want to be at home playing MLB 2K9 on the X-Box or perhaps 18 holes of Tiger Woods on the Wii? Perhaps I am craving a Fresca? Well…yes, all of those things are true…but the real reason is because there is no “Lost” tonight. Sure, there is some clip show that is designed to help the casual “Lost” fan get reacquanted with what’s been happening…but come on, the real psychos like you and I don’t need that clip show.

So…what to do tonight? Well, since I purchased the MLB Extra Innings package, I am going to watch the Phillies play the Brewers. If the game gets out of hand, why, it’s “The Wrestler” on BluRay. I can’t wait to see how brutal Mickey Rourke looks in spectacular 1080 perfection.

Cinematically Correct note: I’m still bitter about Mickey Rourke losing Best Actor. Complete nonsense.

Let The Avalance Of “Lost”-Related Posts Begin

January 14, 2009 1 comment

Lost Season 5 CastOne week. We are officially one week away from the season five premiere of “Lost”. My “Lost” onesie is washed and ready to go. I need to wash my “Locke Rules” t-shirt and dust off the “Hurley #1” foam finger though…I haven’t pulled those out in quite some time.

There are interviews and articles all over the Internets right now. If you know how to operate your Intraweb machine and use the Google screen, you can accidentally find stuff on this show. Since most of the stuff isn’t that great and is filled with spoilers, here is an interview with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof that is spoiler free.

All Work And No “Lost”

Since I missed work yesterday, I have been quite busy and I haven’t had much time to scour the Internet for worthless information. However, I did come across yet another “Lost” interview. It’s Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse…again. This time, they are answering questions from the cast. That’s a different twist.

Lindelof & Cuse Do Some "Lost" Talk

We are still 61 days from “Lost” but Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are still giving us plenty of stuff to talk about. In this SciFi Channel interview, they talk a bit about how Season Three ended up and a bit about what to expect in Season Four. Since there are officially 48 episodes of “Lost” left, it has definitely made it easier for the “Lost” writers to have a definite idea of where the show is going. As a massive fan of the show, I am glad that they aren’t going to overstay their welcome and ruin a great thing.

The third season is available on DVD this Tuesday. Cinematically Correct has already pre-ordered the box set and Amazon had better have that on my doorstep when I get home from work.

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Just Six Months Until The 4th Season Of Lost

It is August and I haven’t watched one minute of the third season of “Lost” in three months. I know this because I woke up this morning twitching and scratching at my eyes. I am suffering from what is commonly know as L.W.S. or “Lost Withdrawal Syndrome”. The usual side effects include the following:

  • Answering questions by asking another question
  • Hearing whispers while hiking
  • Constant polar bear attacks
  • Father and/or mother issues
  • Desire to run through a forest/jungle

The only cure for L.W.S. is to read this geeked-out time travel theory about what is happening on “Lost”.

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